April 20, 2009

Mampu kah Kita jadi rakyat Negara Maju?

Kalau kita pernah ke luar negara khususnya negara-negara maju kita akan dapati sikap rakyat negara maju yang membezakan mereka dari rakyat negara kurang maju. Walau bagaimanapun bukan rata-rata rakyat negara tersebut bersikap demikian, biasa lah dalam setandan pisang bukan semuanya elok, akan tetapi terdapat peratusan yang tinggi rakyat mereka mempunyai ciri-ciri sedemikian.

Kalau di lihat negara kita Malaysia sikap rakyat kita masih belum mampu untuk kita bergelar negara maju. Antara nya adalah:

  1. Tidak menjaga kebersihan. Tandas biasalah kotor. Banyak juga restoran yang kotor melainkan restoran francais luar negara yang rata-rata datang dari negara maju. Juga kalau kita ke pusat perlancongan semula jadi seperti kawasan air terjun memang rakyat kita juara meninggalkan sampah sarap.
  2. Tidak tepati masa. Rakyat kita dalam era digital hand phone, Palm, Blabberry masih tak tau baca jam. Satu jam lambat tu biasalah. Excuse yang biasa adalah kesesakan jalan, lambat bangun tidur, banyak kerja dll. Hello! kalau dah tau jalan jam keluarlah 1 jam awal.
  3. Tdak sopan di jalan raya. Saya kesian akan warga emas dan kanak-kanak yang tidak selamat langsung di jalan raya kita. Lagi besar kereta mereka lagi kurang ajar rakyat kita di jalan raya. Yang lain-lain tak payah lah saya sebut sebab semua dah maklum.
  4. Tidak hormat orang tua. Rata-rata orang kita hanya hormat orang-orang tua yang kita kenal dan ada pertalian darah. Bolih jadi malu kot nak kurang ajar. Tetapi kalau kita jalan-jalan di luar kita dapati dalam LRT tak ade pun orang muda ni yang nak bagi tempat duduk kat orang tua yang dah lama berdiri, perempuan mengandung ke dll.
  5. Tidak ramai yang membaca buku. Rata-rata rakyat kita tidak membaca. Kalau dalam LRT, stesyen bas, dalam pesawat dll, jarang sekali saya lihat orang kita baca buku. Bolih jadi kita malu nak membaca atau diri kita dan cukup pandai.
  6. Banyak melepak dan buang masa. Rata-rata rakyat kita suka berkumpul dan membuang masa tak tentu sebab. Memanglah kita di galakkan bersosial akan tetapi di negara kita tahap bersosialnya lebih tinggi dari rakyat negara maju. Dengan satu cawan kopi kita bolih duduk 3-4 jam. Ynag hairan nya kedai mamak tak bengkrap pulak.
  7. Kita jarang ber-riadah dan bersukan . Rata-rata rakyat kita tidak pandai bersukan untuk menjaga kesihatan kerana peratus yang berbuat demikian amat sedikit. Ada yang mampu bermain golf akan tetapi tidak putus-putus menghisap rokok ketika bermain. Jadi saya faham kenapa tidak ramai rakyat kita mencapai tahap dunia didalam sukan.
  8. Kita tidak mencapai ranking yang baik di sukan olimpik. Kalau kita lihat secara kasarnya negara maju akan mencapai keputusan yang baik di sukan besar seperti Olimpik. Dulu negara Korea pun begitu akan tetapi setelah mencapai tahap negara maju kita lihat prestasi ahli sukan nya juga meningkat.


April 16, 2009

When in Foreign Land it Pays to Knows the Local Dish

A tourist in Madrid went to a local restaurant. Being a snob, he wanted to try the costliest dish, but the manager apologetically explained that he could not have the dish on that day because it was sold out.

"So make more! I will wait as long as it takes!" said the tourist.

"But that is not possible, senor! the special dish is is a fried bull testicles serves in a special Italian sauce. Only 1 bull dies a day. Today's dish is already booked and paid for in advance"

The snob as ever pulled out his wallet and paid for the next 5 days in advance.

The next day he was served the dish. It tasted good and worth what it cost. On the fourth day he was in for a surprise. That day the meal were smaller in size, shrivelled and tasted awful. While he was chewing the bits that he started with he summoned the manager and complained. The manager smiled and explained, " Senor, we are very sorry for this. It is not always that the bull loses, sometime it wins too!"

Most of us have faced such situation in life when we have to compromise under certain circumstances and feel cheated.

Jebat Siber

April 15, 2009

Is the Glass Half Full or Half Empty...ask Angel Cabrera?

During the play off with Kenny Perry and Chad Cambell in the recent US Masters golf championship Angel Cabrera hit his drive on the 18th Hole, par 4 at Augusta into the woods. He hits out onto the fairway and from there hit 3 onto the green. He duly made the putt and with Kenny Perry making bogey Angel Cabrera was the first Argentinian to have won the US Masters. It was a remarkable win and he received a heroe's welcome in his hometown in Argentina.

After his win the press interviewed Cabrera about his drive into the woods at hole 18 and asked how he managed to get back into fairway when it appeared impossible. Cabrera responded that he had about 1 foot (by showing the reporter the gap with his hand) in between 2 trees and had a go nevertheless as the gap was certainly bigger than his golf ball.

( To non golfer to hit out from a 1 foot gap between trees in US Masters is like asking David Beckham to score in a world cup match from standard free kick into a goal half the normal goal span and with Petr Chech in-between the post)

Cabrera definitely saw a half full glass instead of half empty. The next time we are in a spot see it as "half full" and not "half empty".

Jebat Siber

March 31, 2009

10 Dalil Kenapa Orang Melayu harus belajar Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris

  1. Pengajian Sains dan Matematik adalah asas kepada teknologi moden yang telah bermula ribuan tahun dahulu. Orang Melayu sekadar menggunakan teknologi-teknologi ini dan tidak pernah pun ada yang mempelopori teknologi-teknologi yang ada masa kini (maaf kalau fakta ini tidak lengkap akan tetapi kalau ada pun amat sedikit sangat). Jadi kalau kita sibuk mau menterjemah ilmu sains dan matematik yang ada maka bilakah masanya kita akan belajar and mahu cuba kedepan di dalam ilmu sains dan matematik ini.

“In other words we Malays will always be a follower and never a pioneer” .

Kalau ada pun faedah nya kita akan jadi penterjemah BI ke BM yang terunggul di dunia. Itu pun sekarang kalau kita tengok tayangan gambar yang sedia ada lagi kelakar dan cacar merba dan memalukan kita sebagai orang Melayu. Jadi kalau mahu belajar bahasa maka kita harus faham bahasa berkenaan dengan tidak perlu menterjemahkan kandungan nya ke bahasa ibunda kita.

  1. Kalau pun kita berjaya mempelajari matematik dan sains di dalam BM akan tiba suatu masa nanti kita akan menggunakan bahasa BI untuk melaksanakan tugas-tugas kita kerana sains dan matematik bukan untuk orang Melayu sahaja. Contoh nya tatkala Petronas melaksanakan projek Menara Berkembar Petronas, semua tender-tender di buat di dalam bahasa Inggeris. Ini kerana hampir semua aspek pembinaan utamanya di laksanakan olih arkitek-arkitek dan jurutera-jurutera perunding dari luar negara. Juga semua orang tahu yang kontraktor utamanya juga dari Jepun dan Korea. Memang ramai terdapat jurutera dan professional Melayu yang terbabit akan tetapi BM tidak sesuai untuk melaksanakan projek tersebut. Begitulah seterusnya akan kesemua projek pembangunan olih Petronas, Telekom, TNB dan sebagainya. Kalau mahu di laksanakan juga tendernya di dalam BM maka saya bayangkan bahawa terjemahan nya sahaja akan mengambil masa bertahun, belum lagi komplikasi untuk berkomunikasi dengan profesional luar negara dan juga kesukaran memindah teknologi ke rakyat tempatan.

  1. Bahawa di dalam perlaksanaan teknologi kerapkali kita terbabit dengan pihak luar negara. Jadi bagaimana kalau kita mahu berunding dengan pihak Korea dan Jepun yang tidak memahami BM dan orang Melayu pula sudah tentu tidak memahami bahasa Korea atau Jepun, kerana bagi orang Melayu bahasa hanya satu ia itu BM. Penyelesaian nya ialah dengan menggunakan BI. Hampir kesemua pembangunan negara yang di kecapi olih orang Melayu sekarang di laksanakan dengan cara begini. Dari lebuhraya Utara-Selatan ke Menara Berkembar Petronas, projek Proton dan Perodua, infra struktur telekommukisai dan lain2. Malah yang berarak beramai-ramai baru-baru ini membantah pembelajaran sains dan matematik ke BI pun menggunakan prasarana yang di bangunkan dengan cara BI seperti di atas.

  1. Kalau suatu hari nanti orang Melayu mereka cipta sesuatu yang baru didalam bidang sains dan mahu mempromosi teknologi itu ke serata dunia, adakah kita akan menggunakan BM untuk tujuan ini? Kalau kita mahu semua rakyat dunia melihat ciptaan kita adakah kita akan gunakan BM? Atau bahasa lain yang lebih universal yang tidak semestinya bahasa Inggeris.

  1. Kalau produk teknologi kita mau terkenal keseluruh dunia kita harus malakukan penjenamaan yang di terima di seluruh dunia. Apabila syarikat Honda merekacipta model kereta unggulnya yang di kenali diseluruh dunia ia nya menngunakan jenama Accord, Civic dan City. Kalau kita sebut jenama berteknologi seperti Bravia, Sonata, Carnival, Playstation, Cybershot dll ianya bukan dari negara England dan Amerika tetapi dari Korea dan Jepun. Penggunaan jenama-jenama tersebut tidak pun melemahkan bahasa Korea dan Jepun di mata dunia.

  1. Kalau sekarang kita mahu berusaha mereka cipta robot (apa ya “robot” di dalam BM?) yang mahu digunakan di industri pertanian misalnya. Adakah kita akan bermula dari bawah atau dengan kertas kosong atau pun kita akan mengkaji perbagai lapuran kajian yang telah di buat olih Jepun, Korea, Jerman, Amerika dsb nya dan memulakan dari apa yang ada. Bagaimana kita mahu menganalisis lapuran-lapuran ini kalau kita balajar sains didalam BM. Adakah di kala itu kita akan gunakan BI? Jadi kenapa tidak bermula gunakan BI dalam sains dan matematik dari sekarang.

  1. Kalau hari ini kita mahu adakan kerjasama dengan syarikat luar negara akan satu usaha sama berteknologi tinggi adakah kita akan gunakan BM? Adakah ini akan diterima olih syarikat luar negara berkenaan? Kalau kita mahu berkerjasama dengan Arab Saudi bagi melancarkan satelit ke angkasa lepas adakah kita akan gunakan BM, Bahasa Arab atau BI? Sedangkan kita lagi berugama Islam dan Arab juga berugama Islam, kedua-duanya membaca Al Quran dan terdapat banyak persamaan, adakah kita akan gunakan Bahasa Arab? sedangkan orang Melayu tak tahu berbahasa Arab. Jadi apakah bahasa yang akan kita gunakan?

  1. Orang-orang melayu sekarang ramai yang berkerja dengan syarikat-syarikat besar luar negara seperti Shell, IBM, Citybank, dsb nya. Mereka di terima berkerja kerana ada pengalaman yang baik dan juga bolih berkerja dalam suasana menggunakan BI. Jadi kalau kita kebelakang dan belajar segalanya di dalam BM, secara tidak langsung kita akan melemahkan peluang perkerjaan anak-anak Melayu di syarikat-syarikat besar. Jadi bagaimana kita mahu memenuhi tuntutan DEB yang saban tahun tidak kesampaian.

  1. Kebanyakan barang-barang impot di bekalkan dengan panduan di dalam BI dan juga beberapa bahasa pilihan lain seperti Mandarin, Jepun, Jerman dan Arab. Tidak ada pun BM di dalam pilihan bahasa tersebut. Jadi mahu tak mahu kita harus belajar satu atau dua lagi bahasa selain dari BM. Jadi apakah pilihan bahasa kedua kita?

  1. Secara tidak resmi nya BI adalah bahasa kedua negara kita. Walau bagaimanapun kita cuba menafikan cubalah kita keluar ke pejabat, bank, pusat membeli belah dsbnya hampir semua orang akan bertanya atau bertutur dalam BI selain dari BM. Jadi sampai bila kita mahu menunggu sebelum kita mahu menerima hakikat ini. Di negara China semenjak ia membuka pintu ekonominy ke negara luar rakyat China telah ramai belajar BI kerana mereka tahu ianya adalah bahasa universal antara dua pihak yang berlainan bahasa untuk berkomunikasi
Demi kemajuan kaum Melayu di zaman mellinium - Jebat- Siber

December 31, 2008


It’s been a while since I last wrote in my Blog

Therein is my New Year resolution for 2009, to write at least once a month in my Blog. New Year’s resolutions have been going on as far as I can remember and every year we declare new resolutions but not many committed ourselves to it and consequentially we continue declaring the same resolutions every year.

Let’s not put our expectation too high and start with simple ideas for our resolutions.

1. Start waking up early every morning, leave early to work, avoid the traffic jams and arrive early in the office- well that will be some doing but achievable if you set your mind to it. Think of how much more you gain if you are early. Suddenly you have created more time that you thought you don’t have. Try it.

2. Start saving 10% of your salary every month. These will be useful for your retirement, that long overdue vacation overseas and maybe treat yourself to something extravagant at the end of the year. Having more saving is definitely a good thing, no question about that.

3. Start making more regular trips to see your parents, who may be staying by themselves. Try to make it once a month. If distance is a hindrance maybe you should try to make it a point to call them once a week to check on them. It will make them happy that their children care for them.

4. Try to do more cooking and cut down on eating out. Eating out is expensive and not forgetting that home cooking has more quality and tastier. Furthermore eating out too often will soon become a chore. Have you ever come to a situation not knowing what to eat when outside? This means that you have been eating out too often.

5. Start to exercise. If you have been exercising but not regularly try to make it more regular. Many of us can’t find time to exercise. In a society of high anxiety and not enough time start creating time for yourself. Too many people died of heart failure and that in itself is a strong incentive to start exercising.

6. Try to see your neighbour more. We are living in a society where neighbourliness is non existence. Everybody is busy and have no time for neighbour. Sadly the only time you visit them is when they passed away and you are paying your last respect. It will be awful as you hardly speak to them when they are alive. Start speaking to them today.

7. Maintain friendship and create new friends. Start to be interested in other people and they will show interest to you. Start talking to people instead of talking about yourself to them. Start calling them instead of waiting for them to call you. Use the sms more often; it’s save time and money and just as effective. In other words start connecting to other people and they will connect to you.

8. Read and read and read....well reading is the windows to the world. People who don’t read do not know what they are missing. Try to read at least a book per month and in between read a lot of newspaper, magazines, comic books, cooking books, journal etc whatever that interest you. In other words don’t stop reading.....

9. Start cutting down on credits. Limit your credit to an amount manageable to you. For example you may set maximum credit outstanding to be 10% of your take home pay. Anything beyond will means that you are exposing yourself to financial risks. Take control of credit before it take control of you.

10. Make yourself happy. Do anything that makes you happy. This last one can be anything. Whatever it is keep within the law and do not create unhappiness to others.

Wishing all of you a Happy New Year 2009 and let’s hope that it will be a great year for all of us.

August 31, 2008

Merdeka, Merdeka, Merdeka

Recently I walked to KLCC to meet someone for lunch. I had to pass a busy junction with 3 traffic lights to cross the road before eventually making it to the footpath leading to KLCC, the tallest twin towers in the world today and the pride of all Malaysian. KLCC is also the office of Petronas, the national oil company and one of the most successful national oil company in the world.

All this augurs well for Malaysia, a nation that is celebrating its 51st independence in August. However it was very clear from my short walk to KLCC that afternoon that some Malaysian are still far from being independent and certainly do not have mentality of a nation who has been independent for 51 years. Car drivers and motor bikers have scant regards for the pedestrian. In fact it is dangerous to walk around in KL if you are not used to it. Car and motorbikes sped like daredevil trying to catch the orange traffic light and most of the time sped pass even when the traffic light has turned red. This is endangering the public and for the uninitiated may results in fatal consequences. These happened at all the 3 traffic lights and I can assure you that it’s common sights anywhere else in KL.

If you are a regular to KL you will also notice that cars are parked at the road side not meant for parking and slowing down traffics, cars stopping on yellow boxes that are supposed to be cleared to allow other cars to pass, drivers throwing cigarette butts and rubbish onto the road, vehicles not giving way to pedestrians, using modified exhaust that is clearly a noise pollutant, riding motor bike on foot pathway that is endangering the public and so on.....

I also noted that in my short walk there was not a single car or vehicle has any Malaysian flag mounted on it. There was nothing bizarre about that as Malaysian has generally taken “Merdeka” for granted. Even now (Saturday night, 3 hours from “Merdeka”) there is hardly any Malaysian flags to be seen.

One thing for sure though, many will be making it to the KLCC, Lake Titiwangsa, Padang Merdeka to see the fireworks and the entertainment. Many more will be at home watching from the TV tubes the same events. That is "Medeka" to most Malaysian and it has been the same as long as I can remember, except that the venues have changed over the years. It used to be Merdeka stadium, Padang Kelab Selangor, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman etc at the time. “Merdeka” only happens at 12 mid-night of 30th August and to the wee hours of the morning followed by grand parades in KL and other state capitals in Malaysia and that’s it until another 30th August comes again. The government has not done much to make any positive change to celebrating “Merdeka”.

I am not a staunch supporter of waving flags to celebrate “Merdeka”. To me “Merdeka” is more than just symbolic of waving flags. “Merdeka” is about behavioural and mindset change more than anything else. Imagine someone driving a car full of mini flags sticking from their his car and yet speeding pass traffic lights and throwing cigarette butts out of car window. Imagine having thousands of people in a parade and all litters the streets with bottles, plastic bags, tissue papers etc etc.

As children of an independent nation for the last 51 years we need to be liberated to embrace the true spirit of “Merdeka”. While waiting for the next “Merdeka”, let’s see if we can do some of the followings:

1. Keeping time. Let’s not keep people waiting for us and lets rid off the adage ‘janji melayu”. Time is the essence of counting down “Merdeka” and for measuring how long have we have been “Merdeka”, therefore respecting time is respecting “Merdeka”

2. More caring. In every aspects of it to be more caring to children, animals, fellow citizens, other people, environment, properties etc. When we care about our society we care about 'Merdeka"

3. More considerate to others. Use judgement to give way while driving, when entering lifts, while walking etc. I learned that before “Merdeka” people are more considerate as it was then difficult time and people needs each other’s support to live. We need to preserve this attitude to liven up ‘Merdeka”.

4. Read more. People that have been independent tend to read more and increase their knowledge. From reading you will also learn more about the world and the universe and will make us appreciate our country more. People before “Merdeka” can’t read as they seldom went to school. People after “Merdeka” are more fortunate and yet we don’t read as much.

5. Stop wasting time as time is precious. “Masa itu emas”, we learned this when we are still children. The country needs us to work and contribute to its growth. Do something useful all the time.”Merdeka” people should not have free time to loiter as there is so much to do.

6. Know our neighbours. Be it at home or in the office. We live in a community and dependent of others around us. Don’t live on your own when we have the whole country to ourselves. To preserve our “Merdeka” we need to be united and have strength. Draw these strength from the community that we live in. “Merdeka” is about unity and preserving “Merdeka” is being united.

7. Fill up the mosques during prayers. Too many mosques are lifeless and without spirits. Draw unity form mosques around us. We are fortunate to have many beutiful mosques after "Merdeka". Use them and don't let them become tourist attraction.

8. Be trustworthy. Do not cheat others. Do not take what’s not belonging to you. Do not engage in bribe. We are not yet “Merdeka” if we still engaged in bribery. Our mind and soul is still trapped in insecurity and yet the nation has since then being independent for 51 years. Shame on us for the people before “Merdeka” struggled and died for independent and we can’t set ourselves free from bribery.

9. Learn about “Merdeka” and part this knowledge of ours to our children. To preserve “Merdeka” we need to pass the “Merdeka” to the future generations.

10. Always think that we will lose “Merdeka” tomorrow. In this way we will work hard to preserve “Merdeka”. When we understand “Merdeka” we will not want to lose it. Believe me.

The 10 items listed are by no means an exclusive list. These are my perspective of being “Merdeka” and some of the qualities that “Merdeka” nations can enjoy. There are others that we can do to fill our times while waiting for the next cry of “Merdeka” in August 2009, and hoping that when we shout the word, we partially understood what it means. The true meaning of “Merdeka” is immense and we will continue to learn it in our life time. The cry of “Merdeka” in 1957 and in 2009 are different although the spirit is the same.

Our children views “Merdeka” very differently from our parents and grand -parents. Probably our grand -parent will understand more of the “Merdeka” spirit having being involved in the Japanese occupation and the British government leading to the actual independent of 31st August, 1957. For us our resources remain in the many books that were written about the country and its independence. I used to talk to my late farther about “Merdeka” and he related to me many stories about “Merdeka”. He told me that it’s difficult to understand and appreciate “Merdeka” if we do not experience the hardship and the anguish of the pre-“Merdeka” and the joy and harmony of the post “Merdeka” in 1957, it’s like not being to Mekah and appreciate the Kaabah, eventhough we prayed everyday towards Mekah.

In those few words I understood the meaning.

“Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!” – Jebat_Siber

August 1, 2008

Way Forward

Having watched the match between Chelsea FC and Team Malaysia, I have the followings observations to share:

1. Malaysia need a coach with international experiences who are exposed to competitive matches in Europe and in major competition such as the World Cup and the Olympics. How is a local coach to train a group of young Malaysians who are not exposed to competitive matches when the coach has no such experiences? For example when a team is preparing for major competition how are the training regime like? What sorts of preparation took place? Other than physical training, what about psychology and mental training? These experiences are invaluable when come to major competition and Malaysia need one right now.

2. Malaysia does not have form and shape in their game. The game plan in the match with Chelsea was very simple and very similar to the 70’s during the era of Mokhtar Dahari, Soh Chin Aun, Santokh Singh etc where individual flair dictates the game most of the time. In another word, there was very little progress since the 70’s, which directly justifies Malaysia’s FIFA ranking at this time. In the game there were sporadic individual skill but we couldn’t really see any build up and set play in their game. Most of the time they were desperately chasing the ball and trying to limit the Chelsea team and not really having a plan of what to do once they get the ball. The player tends to look at each other looking for someone to pass the ball and when under pressure will release the ball aimlessly.

3. Malaysian players need more stamina and speed to compensate for the lack of frame and size. Having said this, there is no compromise on the goalkeeper and the defenders, who need to be fairly built to compete at the higher level. What we lack in size we have to make up in stamina and speed, and there are no options. If a Malaysian player can reach a loose ball faster than his opponent because he has speed it will hold him in good stead in the match. However most of the time we saw Malaysian players playing at walking pace and have the ball snatched from their feet countless time. They also tend to back pass quite a lot.

4. For the defenders and goalkeeper Malaysia need to develop players of at least 5 ft 8 in for defenders and 5 ft 11 in for goalkeepers. The defenders need to be heavily built and robust. They need to be trained to jump higher by developing the knee and leg muscle scientifically. This will allow them to challenge for crosses and to make a decent wall during free kicks. Since Malaysia’s FIFA ranking is low, we are bound to meet opponent higher in the ranking and as such its logical to assume that in most matches that Malaysia will be subjected to attacks from the opponent and as such the defense need to be trained to cater for this possibility. In competitive matches the better ranked opponent will score from slimmest of a chance and having big gaps in the defense will invite flurry of goals which will not bring any confidence to the team.
5. For the other positions, having skillful players with certain lack of size is still acceptable. Shukor Salleh and Azizul Abu Hanifa were slim built midfielders who can dictate game and make beautiful thru passes, as they are skillful and can read the game. They are mobile all the time and always get behind opponent’s defenders and supply crosses into the opponent’s goal area. However, if it’s at all possible, Malaysia must seek to build team with players of acceptable size and skill to compete at the highest level.

6. Malaysia needs more thinking players. Therefore please source for players that are university graduate of even university dropouts. The players must be able to listen, understand and implement instructions. The players need to also increase their knowledge by watching, observing and reading. The players need to be playing the game and react positively to situation, as all matches are different. They can’t wait for instruction from the coach all the time. At times they need to also provide feedbacks, because as players as they are the ones who are on the pitch and not the coach and thus will see the match at different perspective from the coach. Therefore if the players can’t communicate than how are they to provide these feedbacks?

I probably have other comments but these have been heard before, such as sending players to play overseas, money incentives, changes in FAM structure, converting imports to Malaysian etc etc.

However, having said the above it was commendable of the Malaysian team who were very hard working and spirited in the match. For the night it may be worth it, however for long term achievement we will be chasing shadows as spirit and hard-work without any strategy will not get us very far. I am a big fan of Malaysia, since the days of Moktar Dahari and Co, however the last 20 years were not much to shout about. Something drastic needs to happen to recapture the glory days of the 70’s and 80’s. Those days we have our football heroes that we always can count on in matches. It felt good to watch a football match knowing damn well that our team are capable of achieving something and when it happened it was such a frenzy and satisfaction and will be talked about for many years. In the match with England B in 1978 ( I think, I was then 17 years old), Mokhtar Dahari ran away from chasing England defenders and lobbed Joe Corrigan from 30 M to earned Malaysia a 1-1 draw with England at Stadium Merdeka. The whole stadium of 45,000 people erupted with cheers and it was just magical.

I hope I will live to experience the same again…….


Quotable Quotes

Will be published later